Sunday, November 1, 2015

What to keep in mind before painting the exterior of your house?

Choosing the colours to pain your house with is one of the toughest things you will ever have to do. The colours you choose to paint your house with are a reflection of the homeowner’s personality and adds it to the character of the house.
This is why a house painted in black or grey is always termed as a Goth’s house or a haunted mansion.
Thus here is a little help for you to choose the house colour that would made your house solely yours.
  • Keep the style of your home in mind.
Always always always keep in mind the style if your home in mind as well as the era it belongs to. The architectural structure of some houses such as the ones build in the Victorian Era are made with such intricate and detailed designs that will look amazing painted in earthy hues that stand-out. Similarly Spanish themed houses look best when painted with a more restrained palette.
This is why always research the type of colours people or professional with houses like yours on their hands tend to use and you can always go from there.
  • Do not forget your Neighbours.
Santorini, Greece
 People of Santorini, Greece live on an inactive volcano and have build their houses on the slope of the said volcano. Now, to the best of my knowledge, all the residents their paint their houses white that will sort of resemble their neighbours house. But what makes an individual’s house stand out from their neighbours is the bold colours and palettes they use bold, bright colours to paint their doors, windows and their trimmings.
Similarly, you should also keep in mind to paint the exterior of your house in colours that don’t clash with the colours your neighbour’s house is painted in. It doesn’t mean that the colour you choose has to be completely identical but kind of similar so it won’t be too overwhelming on the eyes.

  • Go Bold
Having already provided you with that little piece of advice, you should feel like like you should paint your house in similar hues to the one your neighbour has painted theirs in. If you feel like you can use the unusual, attractive colours that are not usually used, well, go ahead!
But just try not to over-do it.

That is it for today folks. We hope that helped. If you are looking for someone to paint your house, you know who to go to.

What to keep in mind when Painting the Rooms in your House?

Your house is the place you spend your life in. You live in it, you make memories in it, you invite the people you care about in it. It more or less is a living testimony to the life you have spent. Thus your house should be nothing less than a reflection of your personality and nothing screams who you really are more than the colours you choose to paint your house in.
Thus if your style includes loud and exuberant colours and bold hues, do not at all be reluctant in using such colours to paint your rooms in. Even if, in your opinion, that colour would not go well with the age and architecture of your home.

From the blue-painted hearth of a Colonial Revival to the deep red parlour walls of a Queen Anne to the teal accents of a Craftsman bungalow, there has always been a place for colour inside the house. Even in today's open-plan homes, where kitchens, living rooms, and dining rooms are often one large space, colour is used to help define interiors and create focal points in relatively featureless rooms. The trick, of course, is figuring out which colours to use and where to put them.

Choose Colour based on Architecture.

Among the many methods to choose the hue of colour that could completely transform the room in the most effective of ways is to play up its architectural features. Moulding, mantels, built-in bookcases, arched doorways, wainscot, windows, and doors all offer an opportunity to add another layer of interest to coloured walls.

- If you going to add a little bit of shady work.....
To bring attention to detail you can always add a subtle shift in colour by painting the moulding one shade lighter or darker than the wall it is adjacent to. Painting a metallic glaze right on top of an existing painted element, like a ceiling medallion, is another way to draw attention.  You can also achieve the same effect by adding a copper or bronze finish. It is very translucent and gives a nice shimmer that enhances the architectural feature of the space it is being used on.
- If you are going to go bold....
For a bolder approach, try using two different colours in the same room. Like, you can always paint a built-in bookcase or niche a shade of green in a room with blue walls, which will highlight the items on the bookcase or inside the recessed area.
- If you are going to use the same colour....
Of course, architectural elements can also provide continuity throughout a house if they are painted the same colour in every room. Just make sure you use different hues of the same colour to compliment the lightening of the room. Starting in the Federal period and continuing today, white and off-white have been the traditional choice for moulding, windows, and doors so you can always choose that, paired with a bold choice for trimming if you’d like.
- If you want a room with a view, sheesh.. my bad! A Wainscot…
A room containing wainscot provides a good opportunity for a contrast between light and dark. A dark wainscot below a bright wall will draw attention to the upper walls, while a bright white wainscot next to a coloured wall will focus the eye on the wainscot.
You can also use paint to create the effect of wainscot where it doesn't exist by covering the bottom third of the wall in one colour and the upper walls in another; then place a piece of flat moulding along the intersection and paint it the colour of the lower wall to reinforce the wainscot look.
I hope all that makes sense to you as it does to me.
- If “accent” is your cup of tea...
To add a little drama to a plain featureless room you can always add a little oomph by painting an “accent wall” in a vivid and gorgeous hue. If drama is your goal, you might rethink the entire notion of painting a wall from corner to corner and you'll create an architectural emphasis where one doesn't exist.
- If you are going to go for an all-around amazing look...
When moving around the room in a clockwise direction, try painting a third of one wall and two thirds of the adjacent wall, wrapping the corner in colour. Then paint the last one eighth of the second wall and three quarters of its adjacent wall, covering that corner.
Another bold play: Take a big wall and, working in from both corners, paint it almost to the centre, leaving an 18- to 20-inch vertical line of white space, and hang artwork down the centre.
- If you have special plans for the ceiling...
Consider the ceiling the fifth wall of a room. Though sticking to "ceiling white" generally makes a space feel airy, a similar effect can be achieved by painting the ceiling a lighter shade of the wall colour. Like if the walls are painted green, you can choose to paint the ceiling a very sunny shade of yellow instead of the boring old white.
Just take the paint sample card that has your wall colour as the middle choice, and then go one or two choices lighter for the ceiling colour. The result will be a room that appears larger, because the contrast between wall colour and ceiling colour has been softened. In a small room, such as a bathroom, the ceiling can even be painted the same colour as the walls to make it look bigger.

- If you want a cozy and intimate living space...
Of course, sometimes lowering the ceiling visually creates a welcome feeling of enclosure. For example if you have a dining room painted in reds and white, you can paint the ceiling red instead of the very obvious choice of white which will make the room seem more cozy and intimate-feeling than it was.
Similarly, in a house that has ceilings just 8 or 9 feet high, painting a bedroom ceiling a pale robin's egg blue, for instance, would be a way to create a similar, soothing effect.

Choosing Colours You Can Live With

An interior designer or those of us working as a professional handymen can always advice you on what colour will make a certain room pop or what would be the best choice when it comes to painting your living space.
But the thing is, ultimately, it is your home. You are going to live in that space not us thus whatever might the best thing we’d tell you about, it would be the best thing in OUR opinion which might not always match with yours.
- How to choose the ideal colours for your living space...
If you are still unsure about what to do, you should not solely rely or our advice or the advice of that interior designer you have hired. Go back to the basics. There might be a thousand of paint chips at your local hardware store to confuse you but there are only seven colours in the paint spectrum.
With that in mind there is also a very good way with which you can create a colour scheme for your living space very easily. Start by selecting your favourite objects in your living space. It can be your favourite scarf or tie, a sofa cushion cover or a dress – anything at all that reminds you of home or has an emotional significance in your eyes. It can even be the ribbons you put on your dolls when you were little – and take that object with you when you go to the store to find a paint colour.
Once there, look through the colour sample book and choose three sample strips in those colours. These three strips will lead to an easy array of 15 to 20 colours you can choose from (as every strip at least contains six colours).
Now amongst these six or eight shades, choose three of these colours to go onto your walls while the rest will serve well as furniture covers and curtains. Finally choose one colour (or the fourth colour if you may) to go on as the “accent” colour in that particular living space.
Finally, add a little splash of that colour in every room of the house to give the colour used all over your house a harmonious flow.
- How to get over the paralyzed feeling you get in a paint store...
Once at the paint store, if you are still sweating at gills because you are still unsure of what you need to buy, well, fret not. We have a solution for you.
Take a look at the booklet containing the sample colours. If you choose, for example, the blue (and its shades) colour strip from the booklet, have a look the darkest colour i.e. the one at the bottom.
Can you live with that? Can you see yourself tolerating that colour on your living room’s wall for the better part of the next decade? If yes than you can probably live with the colour in the middle as well as the one of the top.
That sounds like a mighty easy way to start with.
- Done with the colour? Now let’s play with it...

Once you have your colours in hand, consider the finish you'll be using. Though today's flat paints have increased stain resistance, conventional wisdom has long held that a satin (also called eggshell) finish is best for walls because it is scrub-able and doesn't draw attention to imperfections.
Semi-gloss and high-gloss finishes, it was thought, were best left to the trim, where they could accent the curves of a moulding profile or the panels of a door.
Today, however, finishes are also being used to create visual effects on the entire wall. Paint one wall in a flat or satin finish and the adjacent wall in a semi-gloss, both in the same colour. In this order when the light hits the walls, it creates a corduroy or velvet effect.
Similarly, you can paint the walls flat and the ceiling semi-gloss to achieve a matte and sheen contrast. (The ceiling will feel higher the more light-reflective it is.) Keep in mind that the higher the gloss, the more sheen and the more attention you draw to the surface.
Used strategically, colour and gloss together can emphasize your interior's best assets and if you need some help with the painting part of the job, the best house painting service in the entire city of London, UK might just be right around the corner, figuratively speaking.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Need a Handyman in London, UK?

Want to throw a fabulous Christmas Eve Party for years but you have been so swamped up with work that you have never had the chance to throw one?

Miraculously, this year your schedule has finally cleared up enough to allow yourself to throw that party you had always wanted to. Now the party is all set and the inevitable happens. The curtains that framed the awning windows in the dining room have come undone and you happen to have no way to fix it in time for dinner party.

With an hour left until the guests arrive what are you doing to do?

Before you could solve that problem, disaster struck once more. The faucet in the bathroom sink broke down and now it is gushing water.

My oh my... How are you going to get back from that now?

No need to hassle, Prudent Handyman services London, UK are here for you.

Prudent Handyman Services have been serving the residents of London for over two years now. They provide high class services and are quick and efficient at what they do.

We have a long record of happy clients that have greatly benefited from our services over the years. 

They have always been satisfied and greatly pleased by the quality of services provided.

No job is too big or small for our highly trained professionals. They work fast and happen to have valuable experience and training in our field.
We specialize in;
  • Flat pack assembly.
  • Kitchen fittings.
  • Bathroom accessory fittings.
  • Furniture assembly.
  • Blind and Curtain fittings.
  • Lamination of floors.
  • Flat Screen Television installation.
  • Painting and Decoration.
  • Fencing the yard.
  • Bath Screen Installation.
  • Lightening changes.
  • Plumbing, sink and bath repairs.
  • Carpentry repairs.
  • Shelving.
  • Radiator valve change.
  • Tripping fuse box solutions.
  • Lawn care.
Our commendable services are available all over London.

So what are you waiting for?

& this awesome opportunity while you still have the chance....

Refer to our efficient and hardworking handyman for all your needs around your home and office.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

What to expect from quality handyman services?

There are plenty of add jobs and regular tasks related to home maintenance that you just do not find time to do yourself. Instead of neglecting them or ruining our peace and health attempting to cope with them, opt for a professional handymancompany. This will save your time, energy and give you satisfaction along with splendid results. A number of important services are offered by handyman companies encompassing many different areas of a house including:

Landlord safety certificates
According to national standards of public health and safety, there are certificates required for basic utilities like gas and electricity for tenants. A certified engineer must conduct a thorough inspection before handing over the landlord certificate.

Flat pack and furniture assembly
The type of lawn or room furniture that comes in boxes with instructions for building is not that easy to build for inexperienced individuals. Professional handymen are specially trained to handle this.

Kitchen and bathroom accessories and appliance fitting
After you select perfectly matched accessories for your bathroom and kitchen, they must be properly affixed in the correct places and positions.

Blind and curtain fitting
To put finishing touches to your interior décor, all the windows have curtains and blinds installed.

 Lamination of floors
 Floors contribute greatly to the appearance of any home so their lamination must be done by professionals.

House front, door, walls, fence, deck and all other areas require paint for a great first impression.

Fencing is important for your yard or garden to enclose a border around your property.

Interior décor management
Frame, mirror, picture hanging, shelving and decoration custom services are done according to your preferences.

Plumbing, sink, bath and carpentry repairs
Handymen are well versed in the inner working of plumbing systems and wood work.

Heating system care
For improved function power flush, radiator valve change and combination boiler installation and repairs are done for your heating system

Electrical repairs
Loose connection, lighting systems and tripping fuse box is included in electrical expertise of a good handyman.

Silicone sealant application
Silicone sealant application is required for bathroom and kitchen among other areas Carbon monoxide (CO) detector and smoke alarm

Danger detectors and alarms
Home safety demands the installation or replacement of carbon monoxide detectors and smoke alarms.

Garden and lawn care
Garden clearance, trimming and watering and other such jobs are a part of garden maintenance

Child proofing and lifting
All the living areas are made child proof for your child’s safety. Lifting heavy loads for your home/ office is done for all kinds of furniture, etc.

Washing and cleaning
Pressure/ power washers and jet washers are needed to get rid of stubborn dirty places or those which have a greater area.

A reliable handyman company like GB Handyman Services stresses on quality ensured by modern equipment and tools combined with expertise and experience.

Monday, August 3, 2015

What do you need for perfect flat pack assembly?

The mystery of flat pack assembly has eluded many wise men but the experts at GB Handyman have finally come up with a fool proof plan to tackle this daunting task. Flat packs are extremely popular among home owners because they make it easy to set up a new place with separate designs for each kind of room. GB Handyman offers professional flat pack assembly services in London so you may achieve great results painlessly.

What will you require?

·         Professional expertise
Simply put, if you do not possess the knowledge to see a process through you will probably create a complete mess and end up with more problems than before.

·         Complete tool kit
You never know what size and type of tool you might need to construct your flat pack so it is better to purchase a tool box with multiple options.

·         Helping hands
Like any other job in the world, it becomes easier when you have a team helping you lift objects, make decisions and pointing out flaws in the design that you may have missed.

·         Step by step instructions
You may be brilliant in your own career but do not assume you know how to assemble the puzzle box in front of you better than the manufacturer.

What will you need to do?

·         Unpack boxing
Carefully unwrap each individual piece and make sure that no part is missing especially screws, nuts and bolts.

·         Identify all the pieces
You should be aware of the purpose and structure of each and every piece of the flat pack structure.

·         Read the guide
Before you blindly start following the instructions, study the guide booklet to help you understand the steps leading to the final result.

·         Proceed stepwise
Instead of reading the entire instruction book all at once and performing from memory, re-read each step and do it before moving forward.

By gathering all the equipment and tools necessary and following a carefully devised plan, your flat pack assembly will go smoothly without any kinks. GB Handyman have all the modern machinery and abundant expertise and experience available to do a brilliant flat pack assembly services.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

What are the essentials of lawn maintenance?

There are many lawn maintenance companies boasting of their exemplary services but how can you test their claims? There might be experts working in their staff but are they fulfilling all the necessary tasks related to lawn care? Here are the important aspects of lawn maintenance that will help you determine whether you are paying for a complete lawn job or not. There may be additional charges for some of these but they need to be done properly for a healthy green lawn.

Mowing grass
The most noticeable part of your lawn is the grass so it must not be allowed to over grow presenting a scene from some wild savannah. The height of the grass must be just perfect for comfortable passage. The colour must be fresh green, which indicates good health.

Cleaning driveway
The mud and dirt coming in from parked vehicles does not afford a desirable state of your driveway. It needs to be washed thoroughly preferably using a power wash mechanism.

Hedge cutting
A lovely well trimmed hedge can really enhance the appearance of your lawn giving a beautifully defined border to your property.

When you provide a fertile environment for plant growth over plants may take root in the same soil and complete for sunlight and nutrients. These must be weeded out to let your lawn flourish.

Clearing dead leaves
The emergence of new leaves and dying of old ones is a natural process but it must not mar the beauty of your lawn. All the fallen dead leaves scattered about must be raked away for collected using a blower and disposed of correctly.

Watering plants
The care takers must have sufficient knowledge of plants to understand their individual requirements. Therefore, too much water or too less may prove to be disastrous.

Care by species
Having an adequate amount of knowledge about various popular plant varieties and their special needs is important in order for them to thrive.

Pesticide spray      
Unfortunately, plants are food for many insects, which may attack your prized lawn and cause chaos and destruction. Regular pesticide sprays help curb such infestations.

Planting by season
According to the weather changes, seeds of different types of plants may be sown periodically. This will ensure a blooming lawn in every season.

GB lawn maintenance services keep in mind all such considerations as is evident from the wonderful results they achieve. Try us and see for yourselves!

Saturday, August 1, 2015

5 Common mistakes in flat pack assembly

If you are a beginner and have not yet obtained proper training in flat pack assembly, you might make errors and cause yourself more problems. It can be tricky business if you get easily frazzled and lose your nerve. The secret to brilliant flat pack assembly is lots of patience and good management.

Flat packs are becoming increasingly popular among home owners because they provide so much convenience. You may visit a store, select the furniture designs you prefer for your décor and purchase it. There are excellent professional flatpack assembly services that you may then hire for the construction part.
Putting together a flat pack is like creating a puzzle. You have all the individual pieces and you know what the real furniture looks like. All you have to do is identify the pieces and put them in their correct places properly. Note these most common mistakes made by inexperienced beginners so that you may check yourself.

Poor time management
Everyone knows that this task is time consuming and more so for beginners because they just do not possess the experience that allows experts to cut down on construction time. It takes considerably more time for beginners so estimate time required correctly. The next step is to put aside more than enough time to complete the job otherwise you will make more and more mistakes if you are in a hurry.

Lack of attention
Such a job takes a toll on both your physical strength and your mental strength so you may quickly begin to feel fatigued and disinterested. The work is tedious but you need to be alert the entire time. This is crucial because a single error could cost you hours of hard work forcing you to begin again from scratch.

Shortage of space
It is good to take rough measurements of the planks and pieces before you start because you will probably need to lay down the sections at some point. Often builders may run out of space because they did not realize this important fact.

Unavailability of tools
A smart assemblyman makes sure to prepare himself beforehand as you cannot keep getting up to conduct searches for tools and equipment. This will waste your time and make you lose your train of thought. Ultimately, this will give poor results.

Incorrect identification of parts
It is wise to read the instructions carefully at the start so that you may correctly identify each section and understand exactly where it should go. Sometimes you may fit the wrong component in the wrong place because you did not recheck the instructions and failed to recognize it.