Sunday, August 2, 2015

What are the essentials of lawn maintenance?

There are many lawn maintenance companies boasting of their exemplary services but how can you test their claims? There might be experts working in their staff but are they fulfilling all the necessary tasks related to lawn care? Here are the important aspects of lawn maintenance that will help you determine whether you are paying for a complete lawn job or not. There may be additional charges for some of these but they need to be done properly for a healthy green lawn.

Mowing grass
The most noticeable part of your lawn is the grass so it must not be allowed to over grow presenting a scene from some wild savannah. The height of the grass must be just perfect for comfortable passage. The colour must be fresh green, which indicates good health.

Cleaning driveway
The mud and dirt coming in from parked vehicles does not afford a desirable state of your driveway. It needs to be washed thoroughly preferably using a power wash mechanism.

Hedge cutting
A lovely well trimmed hedge can really enhance the appearance of your lawn giving a beautifully defined border to your property.

When you provide a fertile environment for plant growth over plants may take root in the same soil and complete for sunlight and nutrients. These must be weeded out to let your lawn flourish.

Clearing dead leaves
The emergence of new leaves and dying of old ones is a natural process but it must not mar the beauty of your lawn. All the fallen dead leaves scattered about must be raked away for collected using a blower and disposed of correctly.

Watering plants
The care takers must have sufficient knowledge of plants to understand their individual requirements. Therefore, too much water or too less may prove to be disastrous.

Care by species
Having an adequate amount of knowledge about various popular plant varieties and their special needs is important in order for them to thrive.

Pesticide spray      
Unfortunately, plants are food for many insects, which may attack your prized lawn and cause chaos and destruction. Regular pesticide sprays help curb such infestations.

Planting by season
According to the weather changes, seeds of different types of plants may be sown periodically. This will ensure a blooming lawn in every season.

GB lawn maintenance services keep in mind all such considerations as is evident from the wonderful results they achieve. Try us and see for yourselves!

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